Science Resources
Open Science and Resources
Shields, M. M., Selmeczy, D., & McLane, E. (2022). The role of hints in children’s retrieval based learning . https://osf.io/rx32s/
Shields, M. M., & Selmeczy, D. (2022). Get a Hint: An Investigation of the Development of Help-Seeking Behaviors During Long Term Learning. https://osf.io/3d9tx/
Anquillare, E., & Selmeczy, D. (2022). Feedback, Metacognition, and Value-Based Remembering. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/586ZK
Shields, M. M.,* & Selmeczy, D. (2021). Remote Research with Children Materials.
McGinnis, M.,* & Selmeczy, D. (2021). Remote adaptation of Hearts and Flowers Task.