List of Publications

List of Publications

Cloud of words in various colors and sizes based on the Google Scholar profile for Diana Selmeczy. Some of the largest words include memory recognition children cues decisions integrate prefrontal role adaptive adults confidence contributions controlled cortex developmental differences effects environmental evidence feedback help hint influence judgments likely metacognition predicts remembering retrieval versus




Leckey, S., Gonzales, C., Selmeczy, D., & Ghetti, S. (2024). Visual Exploration of Response Options at Age 2 Predicts Overt Uncertainty Monitoring One Year Later. (invited resubmission)

Shields, M., Calabro, G., & Selmeczy, D. (2024). Active help-seeking and metacognition interact in supporting children’s retention of science facts. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology237, 105772. (pdf)

Selmeczy, D., Kazemi, A., & Ghetti, S. (2024). Seeking versus receiving help: How children integrate suggestions in memory decisions. Child Development. (pdf)


Anquillare, E., & Selmeczy, D. (2023). Developmental Differences in Value-Based Remembering: The Role of Feedback and Metacognition. Developmental Psychology. (pdf)


Shields M. M., McGinnis M. N., & Selmeczy, D. Remote research methods: Considerations for work with children. Frontiers in Psychology (2021). (pdf)

Selmeczy, D., Ghetti, S., Zheng, L. R., Porter, T. & Trzesniewski, K. Help me understand: Adaptive information-seeking predicts academic achievement in school-aged children. Cognitive Dev 59, 101062 (2021). (pdf)

Selmeczy, D., Kazemi, A. & Ghetti, S. Developmental differences in subjective recollection and its role in decision making. Child Dev (2021) doi:10.1111/cdev.13611. (pdf)


Selmeczy, D., & Ghetti, S. (2020). Metacognitive Development. The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development (eds S. Hupp and J. Jewell). doi:10.1002/9781119171492.wecad369

Leckey, S., Selmeczy, D., Kazemi, A., Johnson, E. G., Hembacher, E., & Ghetti, S. (2020). Response latencies and eye gaze provide insight on how toddlers gather evidence under uncertainty. Nature Human Behaviour, 1–9. (pdf)

Porter, T., Schumann, K., Selmeczy, D., & Trzesniewski, K. (2020). Intellectual humility predicts mastery behaviors when learning. Learning and Individual Differences, 80, 101888. (pdf)

Jaeger, A., Queiroz, M. C., Selmeczy, D., & Dobbins, I. G. (2020). Source Retrieval Under Cueing: Dissociated Effects on Accuracy Versus Confidence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. (pdf)


Selmeczy, D., Fandakova, Y., Grimm, K. J., Bunge, S. A., & Ghetti, S. (2019). Longitudinal trajectories of hippocampal and prefrontal contributions to episodic retrieval: Effects of age and puberty. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 36, 100599. (pdf)

Selmeczy, D., & Ghetti, S. (2019). Here is a hint! How children integrate reliable recommendations in their memory decisions. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 177, 222–239. (pdf)

Ghetti, S., & Selmeczy, D., (2018). Metacognition. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development. Marc H. Bornstein. New York: Sage.

Fandakova, Y., Selmeczy, D., Leckey, S., Grimm, K. J., Wendelken, C., Bunge, S. A., & Ghetti, S. (2017). Changes in ventromedial prefrontal and insular cortex support the development of metamemory from childhood into adolescence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 13, 201703079. (pdf)

Selmeczy, D., & Dobbins, I. G. (2017). Ignoring memory hints: The stubborn influence of environmental cues on recognition memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 43(9), 1448–1469. (pdf)


Konkel, A.*, Selmeczy, D.,* & Dobbins, I. G. (2015). They can take a hint: Older adults effectively integrate memory cues during recognition. Psychology and Aging, 30(4), 781–794. *joint first authorship (pdf)

Bugg, J. M., Diede, N. T., Cohen-Shikora, E. R., & Selmeczy, D. (2015). Expectations and experience: Dissociable bases for cognitive control? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 41(5), 1349–1373. (pdf)

Selmeczy, D., & Dobbins, I. G. (2014). Relating the content and confidence of recognition judgments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40(1), 66–85. doi:10.1037/a0034059 (pdf)

Selmeczy, D., Dobbins, I. G. (2013) Metacognitive awareness and adaptive recognition biases. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 39(3), 678–690. doi: 10.1037/a0029469 (pdf)

Prior to 2013

Jaeger, A., Selmeczy, D., O’Connor, A. R., Diaz, M. D., Dobbins, I. G. (2012). Prefrontal cortex contributions to controlled memory judgment: fMRI evidence from adolescents and young adults. Neuropsychologia, 50, 3745-3756. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2012.10.022 (pdf)

Jaeger, A., Lauris, P., Selmeczy, D., & Dobbins, I. G. (2011). The costs and benefits of memory conformity. Memory & Cognition, 40(1), 101–112. doi:10.3758/s13421-011-0130-z (pdf)

Selmeczy, D., Koldewyn, K., Wang, J. M., Lee, A., Harvey, D., Hessl, D. R., Tassone, F., et al. (2011). Investigation of amygdala volume in men with the fragile X premutation. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 5(4), 285–294. doi:10.1007/s11682-011-9132-5 (pdf)

Selected Poster Presentations


McLane, E., Selmeczy, D. Choosing Help Leads to Better Help: The role of active learning in help-seeking during a memory integrateion task. Presented at: Colorado Springs Undergraduate Research Forum; 2024 May 15; Colorado Springs, CO. (pdf)

Shamess, M. Martinez, H., Selmeczy, D. Preschooler's Early Utilization of Value-Based Selectivity: Considering Factors of Feedback and Age. Presented at: Colorado Springs Undergraduate Research Forum; 2024 May 15; Colorado Springs, CO. (pdf)

Calabro, G., Selmeczy, D. Is It Worth It? Understanding Children's Value-Based Learning Strategies During Early and Middle Childhood. Poster Presented at: Cognitive Development Society; 2024 March; Pasadena, CA. (pdf)

Martinez, H., Hatcher, K., McLane E., Selmeczy, D. Remembering What Matters: The Emergence of Value-Directed Remembering in Preschool-Aged Children. Poster Presented at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association; 2024 April 13; Denver, CO. (pdf)

McLane E., Selmeczy, D. The Testing Effect in Children: An Examination of Hints and Confidence During Children's Retrieval of Science Facts. Poster Presented at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association; 2024 April 13; Denver, CO. (pdf)

Sisneros, A., Cohen-Shikora, E., Rudd, K., Selmeczy, D., An Investigation of Academic Help-Seeking Behaviors in College-Aged Adults. Poster Presented at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association; 2024 April 12; Denver, CO. (pdf)


McLane E., Selmeczy, D. Investigating Help-seeking as an Active Learning Strategy in Memory Integration. Poster presented at: UCCS Mountain Lion Research Days; 2023 December 8; Colorado Springs, CO. (pdf)

Shamess, M., Martinez, H., Selmeczy, D. The Role of Feedback in the Development of Value-Based Remembering. Poster presented at: UCCS Mountain Lion Research Days; 2023 December 8; Colorado Springs, CO. (pdf)

Hatcher, K., Martinez, H., Selmeczy, D. The Development of Preschoolers Value-Based Remembering: An Examination of Encoding Behavior and Eye-movements. Poster presented at: UCCS Mountain Lion Research Days; 2023 December 8; Colorado Springs, CO. (pdf)

Jeunelot, N., Martinez, H., & Selmeczy, D. Early Development of Value-Based Remembering​. Poster presented at: 19th Annual Colorado Springs Undergraduate Research Forum; 2023 April 22; Colorado Springs, CO. (pdf)

Calabro, G., McLane, E., & Selmeczy, D. Active control effects on children's learning strategies of value-based information. Poster presented at: 19th Annual Colorado Springs Undergraduate Research Forum; 2023 April 22; Colorado Springs, CO. (pdf)

Calabro, G., Shields M. M., & Selmeczy, D. Comparing children's help-seeking intentions and help-seeking behaviors during learning. Poster presented at: Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting; 2023 March 23-25; Salt Lake City, UT. (pdf)



Calabro, G, McClane, E., & Selmeczy, D. Investigating How Active Involvement Aids in Children’s Ability to Engage in Value-Based Learning. UCCS Mountain Lion Research Days. Colorado Springs, CO. (December 8th, 2022) (pdf)

Jeunelot, N., Martinez, H., & Selmeczy, D. Early Development of Value-Based Remembering. UCCS Mountain Lion Research Days. Colorado Springs, CO. (December 8th, 2022) (pdf)

Shields M. M., & Selmeczy, D. Get a hint: An investigation of the development of help-seeking behaviors during learning. Poster presented at: Cognitive Development Society Bi-Annual Conference; 2022 April 21-23; Madison, WY. (pdf) ​

Shields M. M., Anquillare E., & Selmeczy​, D. How helpful is a hint?: The role of hints in children’s retrieval based learning. Poster presented at: Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Annual Convention; 2022 April 7-9; Salt Lake City, UT. (pdf)  ​

Silkey, A. J., Shields M. M., & Selmeczy, D. Objective and subjective help seeking behaviors in children. Poster presented at: 18th Annual Colorado Springs Undergraduate Research Forum; 2022 April 9; Colorado Springs, CO. (pdf)

Calabro, G. & Selmeczy, D. The effect of value on children's learning strategies. Poster presented at: 18th Annual Colorado Springs Undergraduate Research Forum; 2022 April 9; Colorado Springs, CO. (pdf)


Dieckmann, C., Shields, M. M., & Selmeczy, D. Development of children’s help-seeking behaviors during learning. Poster presented at: 13th Annual Mountain Lion Research Day; 2021 Dec 3; Colorado Springs, CO. (pdf)

Shields, M. M., McGinnis, M., & Selmeczy, D. The role of feedback on value-directed remembering. Poster presented at: Psychonomic Society 2021 Annual Meeting; 2021 Nov 4-7; Virtual Conference. (pdf)

McGinnis, M. & Selmeczy, D. The effects of value-based learning. Poster presented at: 17th Annual Colorado Springs Undergraduate Research Forum; 2021; Colorado Springs, CO. (pdf)